Cigna FlexAssure

Experience the peace of mind that
comes with flexible global coverage.

Our Cigna FlexAssureSM plan offers a full range of coverage, which includes Medical, Pharmacy and Vision, with the flexibility to add Dental, Long-Term Disability, Life, Accidental Death and Dismemberment and Evacuation/Repatriation coverage to suit your budget and provide your employees peace of mind while abroad.

Key enhancements

A man working at his laptop
Medical Copays

Plan options that offer medical copays for customers living and working in the United States – in addition, more choices within our other lines of ancillary coverage

Download our FlexAssure Product Brochure for more information.

Review our FlexAssure new plan designs flyer to learn more about our enhancements to theFlexAssure solution.

Strategic focus

Strategic focus on the smaller employer

Greater flexibility

Greater plan flexibility when compared to our previous small group offerings

Increased control

Increased control over your plan costs, to support you and your budget

Quicker turnaround

Quicker turnaround times for quotes

With our 60+ years of global experience we understand clients want choice and the ability to choose – we’ve heard you and we’ve listened to you. Our new FlexAssure product allows for greater plan flexibility with a focus on the employer with fewer employees on global assignment.

Our product has evolved from having a fixed plan in the small to medium employer space, to now allowing you to have more coverage options, and that’s what our FlexAssure product is about.

With the FlexAssure medical plan you can pick the coinsurance and deductible that works for your budget.

Covered employees can receive access to quality care through our global network of health care providers, including but not limited to:1,2

Preventive care

Inpatient/ outpatient care

Pregnancy care

Vision care

Mental illness/ substance use care

In addition to our health offerings, you can add Dental, Long-Term Disability, Life, Accidental Death and Dismemberment and Evacuation/Repatriation insurance coverage. Create the ultimate benefits package by adding all of them or pick and choose what’s best for your company.

Contact us for more information about FlexAssure

To learn more about our FlexAssure product, please contact your Cigna Healthcare representative or email